「真の仲間じゃないと勇者のパーティーを追い出されたので、辺境でスローライフすることにしました 2nd」オープニングテーマ、ゆいにしお「routine life」のリリースを記念して、“真の仲間を集めよう!キャンペーン“の開催が決定!
■X シェアキャンペーン《特典:オリジナルスマホ壁紙A》
@_yuinishio_ )をフォロー
(1)対象期間内にiTunes/レコチョク/mora いずれかのDLサイトにて「routine life」を購入する
(2)「routine life」の購入画面をスクリーンショット!
Yuinishio Digital Campaign
"THREE missions from Yuinishio"
In celebration of the release of Yuinishio "routine life", the opening theme song for the TV anime "Banished from the brave man's group, I decided to lead a slow life in the back country 2nd" digital campaign will be held!
Let's clear 3 missions and collect all original wallpapers (3 kinds in total) designed by the characters of Banished from the brave man's group, I decided to lead a slow life in the back country 2nd "!
We are looking forward to your participation.
【Campaign date】
" Banished from the brave man's group, I decided to lead a slow life in the back country 2nd " original wallpapers (3 kinds in total)
【How to participate】
■X Share Campaign 《Reward:original wallpaper A》
(1)Follow Yuinishio official X account (
@_yuinishio_ )
(2) Repost the corresponding post that will be posted on 2024/1/10(Wed.)
(3)We will send you the reward by DM later.
※Please make sure that you are set up to receive DMs before participating.
■Download Campaign《Reward:original wallpaper B》
(1)Purchase "routeine life" on Download site(iTunes/Recochoku/mora) during the campaign period.
Download => https://yuinishio.lnk.to/routinelife_DL
(2)Take a screenshot of the "routeine life" purchase screen!
(3)Enter the screenshot and necessary information in the application form below!
Click here!
(4)We will send you the reward image by e-mail later.
※Please send us a screenshot of the music page that confirms that you have already purchased the music.
※Personal information entered will be used only for this campaign.
■YouTube Subscription Campaign《Reward:original wallpaper C》
※Participation is also open to those who have already subscribed
(1) Access the following URL
(2) Tap "subscribe"
(3) Check "Yunishio", uncheck "Newsletter", and allow access to the application.
(4) Tap "Click here for special offers" to get special offers!