2023/9/20(水)に配信されるシングル「恋ごころ」のPre-add/Pre-save(ライブラリ追加予約)がApple MusicとSpotifyにてスタートいたしました!
⇒ https://lnk.to/Koigokoro_pre
※各ページは、SafariまたはGoogle Chromeで開いてください。LINE等の別のアプリ内でページを開くと、正しく認証ができない場合があります。
Pre-add/Pre-save for the digital single " Koigokoro "
Pre-add/Pre-save for the digital single "Koigokoro" to be released on September 20th (Wed.) has started on Apple Music and Spotify!
If you register for Pre-add/Pre-save, the song will be automatically added to your library after the distribution starts.
Please register from the following URL!
*If you are using this function for the first time, you will need to link your music application with "Linkfire" first.
*Please open each page in Safari or Google Chrome; opening the page in another application may result in incorrect authentication.
*Please note that the work may not be added to the library on the release date, in which case please add the work directly from the work page.