


Kitri (キトリ)

姉のMonaと妹のHinaによるピアノ連弾ボーカルユニット。 クラシックをベースに持ちながら実験的な音楽を創造し独自の存在感を放つアーティストとして、2019 年1月、日本コロムビア BETTER DAYS レーベルより 1st EP「Primo」でメジャーデビュー。
7月には 2nd EP「Secondo」を発表し「キトリの音楽会♯2」の全国ツアーを開催。
2020年1月1stアルバム「Kitrist」を発表。ツアーは延期となったが、その間「Lily」、「人間プログラム」、「赤い月」と、起伏に富んだ楽曲の3作連続配信やライブで観客を魅了しているカヴァー曲のアルバム 「Re:cover」を制作、また「Kitriのきとりごとらじお」(FM大阪)のレギュラー DJを7月から務め常に精力的に世の中へ発信し続けた。
二度の延期を経たツアー「キトリの音楽会 #3 “木鳥と羊毛”」を2021年1~2 月に満を持して開催。
2月に先行シングル「未知階段」で、新たな表現の扉を開け、4月に2ndアルバム「Kitrist II」をリリース。
同月、α-STATION でのレギュラー番組「Kitristime」(キトリスタイム)もスタート。
6~7月には、Kitri初となるバンド編成でのライブを、Billboard Live 横浜と大阪で実施。
11月に、TVアニメ 『古見さんは、コミュ症です。』 エンディングテーマ「ヒカレイノチ」をリリースし、国内だけでなく海外からも注目を浴びるようになる。

A piano vocal unit consisting of the older sister Mona and the younger sister Hina. With a classical base, they create experimental music with a unique presence and made their major debut in January 2019 with their 1st EP "Primo" from Nippon Columbia BETTER DAYS label.
The same month, they kicked off their first solo tour, "Kitri no Ongakukai #1." In July of that year, they released their second EP "Secondo" and embarked on a nationwide tour, "Kitri no Ongakukai #2."
Their first album, "Kitrist," was released in January 2020, and while the accompanying tour was postponed, they kept fans engaged by releasing a series of singles including "Lily," "Ningen Program," and "Akai Tsuki." They also produced an album of cover songs titled "Re:cover," which delighted audiences at their live performances. Since July, they have been regular DJs for "Kitri no Kitri Goto Radio" on FM Osaka, energetically sharing their music with the world.
After two postponements, "Kitrist's Concert #3 'Kitri to Youmou'" was held in full swing from January to February 2021. In February, they explored new forms of expression with the preceding single, "Michi Kaidan," and released their second album, "Kitrist II," in April. That same month, they began hosting a regular program called "Kitristime" on α-STATION.
In June and July, Kitri performed live with a band for the first time at Billboard Live Yokohama and Osaka. They released "Hikarei Inochi," the ending theme song for the TV anime "Komi-san wa Komyushou desu," in November, which garnered attention from both domestic and international audiences.
In 2022, they released the distribution EP "Bitter," which showcases their darker side, and "Toumei na," the theme song for the movie "Nagi no Shima" starring Chise Niitsu. They are also active in many other fields, including providing songs for other artists.

Official site

Kitri Official Fan Site "Kitrist Room"

twitter @__kitri
Instagram @__kitri

Staff Twitter @StaffKitri
Staff Instagram @kitri_staff