04 Limited Sazabys(フォーリミテッドサザビーズ)プロフィール


04 Limited Sazabys(フォーリミテッドサザビーズ)

04 Limited Sazabys(フォーリミテッドサザビーズ)

GEN : Bass / Vocal
HIROKAZ : Guitar
RYU-TA : Guitar / Chorus
KOUHEI : Drum / Chorus

2015年に1st Full Album『CAVU』をリリースしメジャー進出。2016年4月、バンド主催の野外フェス"YON FES 2016"を地元・愛知県で初開催。2017年には日本武道館公演を行い即日完売。2018年には結成10周年を迎え、東名阪アリーナツアーを行う。同年10月には3rd Full Album『SOIL』をリリース、2019年9月4日にシングル「SEED」を缶の形態でリリース。9月29日にさいたまスーパーアリーナで単独公演"YON EXPO"を開催した。2020年1月より当日までゲストが明かされない"MYSTERY TOUR 2020"を敢行。11月28日29日には、Aichi Sky Expoにて"YON EXPO'20"を開催した。

HP: http://www.04limitedsazabys.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/04LS_nagoya
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/04LimitedSazabys

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A 4-piece rock band formed in Nagoya in 2008.
Members are GEN (Ba/Vo), HIROKAZ (Gt), RYU-TA (Gt/Cho), KOUHEI (Dr/Cho) Released 1st Full Album "CAVU" in 2015 and made a major debut. In April 2016, the band's outdoor festival "YON FES 2016" was held for the first time in Aichi prefecture. In 2017, they performed at the Nippon Budokan and the tickets were sold on the spot. In 2018, the band celebrated the 10th anniversary and conducted Tokyo/Nagoya/Osaka Arena tour. In October of the same year, 3rd Full Album "SOIL" was released, and on September 4, 2019, the single "SEED" CD was released with can packaging. On September 29, the solo performance "YON EXPO" was held at Saitama Super Arena. From January 2020 they have embarked a tour called "MYSTERY TOUR 2020" , a joint concert with the secret guest bands which are only unveiled at the day of the event. Then they held a solo concert "YON EXPO" in Saitama Super Arena for the first time in their band's history.
Their overwhelmingly aggressive live act always thrills the audience, especially because of 04LS's beautiful melodies with Gen’s high-pitched vocals.

HP: http://www.04limitedsazabys.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/04LS_nagoya
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/04LimitedSazabys

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